Fatiha Ka Aasan Tarika
Compiled by @MaksudYusuf
Method of Fatiha
The method of performing Fatiha after burial or at home on Thursday evenings and holy nights is similar. There is no fixed format, and slight variations exist. The Arabic Fatiha provided in this book may also differ slightly.
Preparation for Fatiha at Home
To perform Fatiha at home, follow these essential steps:
- Perform Wudhu (Ablution).
- Face the Qibla.
- Place the food (on which Fatiha is recited) and a glass of water in front.
- Light incense or Looban for a peaceful atmosphere.
Steps for Reciting Fatiha
- Recite Durood Sharif (any Durood of your choice).
- Recite Surah Kaafiroon (once).
- Recite Surah Ikhlaas (three times).
- Recite Surah Falaq (once).
- Recite Surah Naas (once).
- Recite Surah Fatiha (once).
- Recite the following verses of Surah Baqarah (once).
- Recite the following verse (once).
- Recite Ayatul Kursi (once).
- Recite the last verses of Surah Baqarah (once).
- Recite additional selected verses (once each).
- Recite any Durood Sharif (once).
- Recite additional selected verses (once each).
- Say “Al-Fatiha”.
After completing the recitation:
- Pray 3 times Durood Sharif, Surah Fatiha, and 3 times Durood.
- Send rewards (Isaal-e-Sawaab) to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Sahaba, Ahle Bait, Taba-een, Tabe Tabaeen, Awliya, your family, friends, and especially for whom you are praying Fatiha.
Sending Isaal-e-Sawaab
Recite the following supplication with sincerity:
“Oh Allah! Whatever I recited, I did so just for You and to please You. Accept my supplication in Your revered Kingdom. If there have been any mistakes in my recitation, forgive me with Your Mercy. And whatever reward You have accorded to the recitation, I offer to the soul of our Beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (sallAllaahu Alaihi Wassallam), all the Ambiya, all the Ahle Bayt, the Awliya Allah, the Shohadah, all Muslims, and thereafter all relations (mention their names).”
Make duas through the Waseela of RasulAllah (PBUH) and through the blessings of Sayyidina Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA). Pray sincerely for yourself, your family, and the entire Ummah.
Recommended Supplications
Below are some heartfelt supplications that can be included:
Ya Ilahi Har Jaga Teri Ata Ka Sath Ho
Jub Pare Mushkil Shahey Mushkil Kusha Ka Sath Ho…
Ya Ilahi Rahm Farma Mustafa Ke Waste
Ya RasulAllah Karam Ki’ jiye Khuda Ke Waste…
(Full supplications can be included as per tradition.)
End the Fatiha by reciting the final prayers:
- Recite any Durood Sharif (once).
- Recite final supplications and selected verses.
- Pray for forgiveness, blessings, and the well-being of the Ummah.
Image Prompt:
Generate an Islamic-themed image depicting a peaceful setting with an open Quran, lit incense, a glass of water, and food placed on a table, symbolizing the traditional Fatiha setup.
By following this method, one can properly perform Fatiha and send blessings and rewards to their loved ones and the righteous predecessors.